
想找一首原来听过的英文歌 开头有很长一段钢琴独奏 很抒情 又带点激扬 是个男歌手边弹边唱的

想找一首原来听过的英文歌 开头有很长一段钢琴独奏 很抒情 又带点激扬 是个男歌手边弹边唱的

根据楼主的描述 感觉像老鹰的加州旅馆 不过是双吉他弹奏的.节奏很优美






开头有一段很长很长钢琴曲 ... 超好听的一首英文歌

you are my everything= Lexington Bridge看是不是

很抒情的一首英文歌 歌开头一个l音拉的很长 男生唱的

What If - Nina

I often wonder

Just how it can be

But everytime I think about it

Seems impossible to me

I wanna touch you'

Call out your name

Would you be my love'

Would you be my friend

Would you feel the same

What if wishes all came true

And each one had a star

That would keep it shining brightly

However near or far

What if a miracle appeared

And heaven was here for us to see

Oh what if you'

Were to fall in love with me

I imagine'

A picture in my mind

You and me we'll be together

Together for all time

Like in the fairytales

Where everything es real

Would you take my hand'

Would you understand

Just how I feel

What if wishes all came true

And each one had a star

That would keep it shining brightly

However near or far

What if a miracle appeared

And heaven was here for us to see

Oh what if you'

Were to fall in love with me

It's not impossible'

It's not impossible

It happens each day

Oh people find each other

Fall in love with one another

It happens this way

It's not impossible

It's not impossible

I don't believe

If I close my eyes

If I make a wish

You'd be loving me

What if wishes all came true

And each one had a star

That would keep it shining brightly

However near or far

What if a miracle appeared

And heaven was here for us to see

Oh what if you'

Were to fall in love with me

What if wishes all came true

And each one had a star

That would keep it shining brightly

However near or far


Blue Skies - Lenka

We've been waiting, anticipating change ing our way

You're my baby through the bad nights to the brighter days

I know that something good is waiting just around the corner

There's a new day dawning there's a new life for us

Got to keep on holding on for just a little longer

I know

That it's gonna be

Blue Skies for you and I

We'll step out of the shadows and walk into the light

Yeah it's gonna be Blue Skies for you and I

But my heart beats slow as the storm carries on up high

And the clouds roll by

I can feel it, it's ing

Fast and fierce and wild

I can see it, everytime I look into those eyes

Tell me is it really gonna storm again

Will the sky turn dark, will the rain begin?

I wanna be with you whenever lightning strikes

'cause I know

But it's gonna be Blue Skies for you and I

We'll step out of the shadows and walk into the light

Yeah it's gonna be Blue Skies for you and I

But my heart beats slow as the storm carries on up high

And the clouds roll by

Let the clouds roll by

I can't stand the rain for one more day

I know we can make it go away

Can you feel it like a fever

Burning till it breaks

Blue Skies for you and I

We'll step out of the shadows and walk into the light

Yeah it's gonna be Blue Skies for you and I

But my heart beats slow as the storm carries on up high

And the clouds roll by

Blue Skies

clouds roll by

Blue Skies

clouds roll by

Blue Skies

clouds roll by

Blue Skies

clouds roll by

求一首英文歌,一男的弹钢琴独奏,有句歌词是its been a long time

See you again

英文歌 开头有一段旁白 很抒情的

devotion-my prayer



1.yo te amo(Chayanne)

拉丁王子Chayanne,不但有或柔美或狂放的歌声,而充满活力的舞姿更令他神采飞扬。Yo Te Amo是一首迷人的歌曲,每次听这首歌都会情不自禁想到澄净碧蓝的天空,宁静美丽的城市。

2.Donne Moi le Temps(Jenifer Bartoli)


3.sunshine after rain(Natasha Thomas)

清新的小调,动人的音乐,好象午后那杯暖暖的下午茶,细细的溶入你的心田。听Natasha Thomas的歌,就像是沐浴在阳光中刚刚抽穗的麦芽带着一股清香。

4.Angels Calling Me(Denean)


5.Sunrise es too soon(Last Night Alumni)


6.Lovin You(Jazzamor)


7.i believe in you(Il Divo& Celine Dion)

由钢琴开场,男声缓缓进入,进而相互配合,一层一层地释放歌中蕴含的力量,直到结尾处,如烟花表演到达 ... ,万花齐放地释放歌者的能量,最终归于寂静。在四个男子最擅长的完美和声中,Celine Dion如女王般的独唱和四人仿佛烘托又力量十足的穿透性和声能令听者热血沸腾,I believe in you,多少人梦寐以求的一句话。

8.best friends(the perishers )

主唱Ola Kluft的嗓音还是悲伤如旧,清新淡雅。Best Friends算是最有The Perishers风味的歌曲,主唱带着小小苦情的声音,却可以把你从悲伤解放出来,带给你轻松快乐的好心情。顺畅的节奏让我你感觉生活是多么的惬意,舒适。

9.slow dancing in a burning room(John Mayer )

吉他被John Mayer演奏的和歌名一样煽情。像是飘着淡淡爵士味道的香浓咖啡,静下心来才能品味出来。慢拍的鼓点配合歌手略带散漫的歌喉,相得益彰。

10.Deux pieds(Thomas Fersen)


11.No Way Back(8mm)

女主唱甜美的嗓音与乐队营造的电子噪音芬围让人一听便上瘾。No Way Back似乎是带你跨越8mm心灵之门,让你十分专注于8mm的噪音效果,完美迷人的节奏低落颓然的呤唱,令人黯然神伤。

12.Ein Kleines Lied(Candee)


13.humpty dumpty(Aimee Mann)

Aimee Mann的歌满是无止境的孤独和疏离,她有一副极适宜说故事的动人嗓音,声音低缓醇厚,像陈年佳酿一般,沉淀了几个世界,一旦绽放,瞬间让人安静下来,品尝生命里的甜实美酿,不再脚步匆匆。Humpty dumpty是一首低调民谣,适合夜深人静时一个人听。悠悠的鼓点,低缓的旋律,淡淡的忧伤。每每浮躁的时候,听听这首歌,能让你得到静谧和舒畅。


是sweetbox的don`t push me么?
