

Global Times记者特意邀请了8位在上海的外籍音乐人,为你推荐他们喜欢的温暖歌曲!



Alec Haavik

jazz saxophonist, whose credits includeRocks,Eye OpenerandYe Shanghai!


来自纽约的爵士萨克斯手Alec推荐这张来自The Wailers乐队的专辑Burnin'。这张专辑用它那独有的悠闲曲调和让人感到分外舒服的演唱,让听者不自觉地要跟着节奏摇摆起来。头顶是热烈的加勒比暖阳,眼前是温暖的海水,翠绿的热带植物也在向你伸出温柔的枝叶,这份富有牙买加风情的适意你怎么好意思拒绝?Alec说他每次听这张专辑,都感觉那音乐如时光机器一样把他带到了70年代的牙买加。

One album which I have always found to be very warming isBurnin' by The Wailers. This is an early album from the band which brought Bob Marley to fame, and brought the Jamaican music style "reggae" to the world. In the distinctively laid-back rhythms and mellow soulful singing of this music one can feel the hot Caribbean sun, the warm ocean water and the gentle green leaves of the tropical plants. The recording methods used on this album were very simple and direct, and as a result the sound paints a very true-to-life picture; when I listen to this album I feel I can step through the speakers straight into Jamaica circa 1974!

Josh Galyean

who formed the band o'Bros with his brother Phillip making deadly, delay-infused drop-D ditties


来自美籍兄弟双人乐队o'Bros的乐手Josh说,任何Mike Patton的作品都拥有让人感到温暖的特质,即使是在中国阴冷的冬天。Mike的声线丰富,既有舒缓的沁人心脾,也有乖张的撕心裂肺,还可以有热忱满满的摄人心魄。同时,Josh也推荐他最近在听的希腊乐队Dirty Granny Tales的专辑Didi's Son,这里面神奇地把不插电的暗黑系嘶吼、哥特、传统的希腊音乐以及圣诞夜惊魂风格的曲调融合在一起。他的乐队最近也在做类似的音乐尝试。

Anything byMike Patton(in such bands as Mr. Bungle, Faith No More, Fantômas) will warm you right up during your cold, gray winter days in China. His voice can be as soothing as the smoothest jazz singer and then turns into horrible alien-like screaming and then on to a soulful melody all in one song! It's phenomenal. Definitely keeps you on edge and your blood flowing. Recently I've also been listening to a Greek band calledDirty Granny Tales. Their albumDidi's Sonis a strange blend of dark acoustic screaming, Goth, traditional Greek music and Nightmare Before Christmas-esque melodies. Recently my brother and I formed a dark folk-rock acoustic duo and upon researching similar styles of music, I discovered them.

Damien Banzigou

bassist, singer and songwriter, whose band Return to Mongolia fuses sounds of Mauritius, Africa and world fusion rhythm


贝斯手兼原创歌手Damien总能在Pat Metheny的这首Last Train Home里找到能量和慰藉,因为这首歌让他想起,他和自己的融合爵士乐队在2006年刚来到上海时的光景。他创作时也经常会听这首歌,帮助他遇到灵感的缪斯。此外,在他心里,来自大西洋岛国塞内加尔的歌手Youssou N'Dour也创造了很多即刻让人温暖的作品。他的声音很有民族风情,他的乐曲风格多样却从不缺少让人向上的力量。

"Last Train Home" by Pat Methenyalways cheers me up. I listen to it when I want to get inspired to write or play music. It reminds me of the days I use to play with my jazz fusion band back in 2006 when we came to Shanghai. I also listen a lot to singerYoussou N'Dourfrom Senegal. He has an amazing voice and the rhythm of the music is very rich and warm. I listen to different kinds of music depending on the mood I am in. It varies from jazz to rock or pop or R & B. Neo-soul also works for me in the winter.

Lawrence Ku

guitarist, composer and educator, whose projects include The Lawrence Ku Septet and The Red Groove Project


从他在大学里学习作曲开始,美籍华裔爵士吉他手顾忠山便深深爱上了Alban Berg的小提琴协奏曲,在他看来Alban是第二维也纳乐派里最浪漫的作曲者之一,Alban的作品在严格遵循十二音技法作曲的同时,还充盈着细腻和深厚的情感。每每听之,都为之动容。顾老师向大家推荐的暖心嗓音来自于Billie Holiday,简单却直抵人心。顾老师个人的音乐口味是冬日里听一些惬意的现代爵士乐,夏季来一点funk和律动摇摆。

One piece that never fails to move me isAlban Berg'sViolin Concerto. There's a section that builds to a climax that always sends chills down my spine. I fell in love with that piece when I was in college studying music composition. Alban Berg was probably the most romantic of the 2nd Viennese school of composition, and though his piece has all the clinical rigor of 12-tone technique, it still has such emotional depth. I think the weather must have something to do with my listening choices, much like it can affect one's mood. I probably listen to much more funk and groove music in the summer and more mellow or modern jazz in the winter. Listening toBillie Holidayalways gives me a sense of warmth. Her voice and the way she phrases a song and inflects notes carries so much expression. Simple but deep.

Cam Kirk

on bass and vocals of the rock & funk band The Deck Chairs


摇滚放克乐队The Deck Chairs的贝斯手Cam来自新西兰,他向大家推荐英国歌手Sting的专辑If On A Winter's Night, 里面集合了很多圣诞和冬日主题的歌曲,让人想起大雪覆盖的树林、围炉夜话,感受精神的慰藉。他本人最喜欢的暖心音乐来自于英国歌手Chris Rea的专辑On The Beach,那是他买的第一张专辑,里面充满了夏天的声音,地中海岸的波浪轻轻地拍打着沙滩。

My recommendation for winter isIf On A Winter's Nightby Sting. It is a collection of Christmas and winter songs that evoke snow-swept forests and love in front of a fire, warming the soul. My personal warmest choice isOn The Beachby Chris Rea. It was the first album I ever bought and it will always be the sound of summer to me. It opens with the sound of waves lapping at a sandy shore of a Mediterranean beach.

Toby Mak

trumpeter, composer and music producer, whose credits includeJoyful, Unnecessary Updateand 07 Sessions


澳大利亚小号手Toby定居在上海十一年了,阴冷的冬天让他更想听一些稍微深沉和缓慢的律动。他向大家推荐的是同为爵士小号手Tom Harrell的作品Sail Away, 因为这首曲子会带着你远离生活中的烦扰,到那蔚蓝的海上去,到那令人向往的宁谧与幸福里去。此外,他也向大家推荐另一位小号手Kenny Dorham的作品,很真挚,很温暖。

The cold weather does seem to make me drawn to more dark, brooding melodies and perhaps slower deep groove songs. Also jazz ballads which can give you that feeling of warmth, perfect for snuggling up to loved ones in front of a fire, cozy! The tuneSail Awayby Tom Harrellis such a piece. Like the name suggests, this song can really give you a feeling of longing and also the hope that you can leave your troubles (and the cold) behind, and sail away on a warm blue ocean of blissful peace and serenity. Listening to the works of the great trumpet playerKenny Dorhamalso makes me feel warm. His playing seems so truthful to me, and not hindered by a lot of ego or intellectualism. Because of this his playing is most powerful to me, also his actual tone on the instrument is just that … warm.

Michael O'Brien

lead singer and rhythm guitar player in Brit indie band Blue Magpie, whose credits include EPA Step Forward


英式独立摇滚乐队Blue Magpie乐队主唱Michael每每会被Elbow的专辑Leaders of The Free World暖到心里。其中他最喜欢的两首歌是Great Expectations和Station Approach,前者在钢琴和吉他的伴奏下缓缓地吟唱着一份哀伤的爱情,让Michael更加懂得珍惜当下美好的日子 ,而后者则直接把Michael带回了家乡曼彻斯特的车站,念起那里的家人让他感觉温暖,尤其在“独在异乡为异客,每逢佳节倍思亲”的时候。

One piece of music that always makes me feel warm inside it isLeaders Of The Free Worldby Elbow。 My two favorite songs on it are first, "Great Expectations," with its haunting melodies (often the vocal melody is repeated on strings or piano) and moving imagery, telling a sad tale of forlorn love。 How does a sad song make you feel warm? It touches my heart as it reminds me of sad times and therefore shows me how times now are much happier, there's also the gorgeous melody of the music and the poetry of the lyrics。

Second is "Station Approach," which has a very personal connection to me as it is about the returning home to Elbow's (and my) hometown of Manchester as the train arrives into the train station。 It mentions familiar places but also familiar feelings of returning from far away。 These are things I have seen and feelings I have shared, so listening to this song always makes me think of home and family and that always make me feel warm, especially in winter (and Christmas) as this is the time these things are furthest away。

Choi Hanwoo

on FX and vocals of post-rock band Plastic Chocolate


韩国欧巴崔很努力是中韩乐队塑料巧克力中的一员,他说,“我小时到了冬天拿出一名sax手的音乐一直听到春天到来为止。 他叫'Kenny G'。 他吹的Sax声音,让人感觉很温暖。特别快到圣诞节时听他的圣诞节album更加有圣诞节的味道。拿着一杯热乎乎的热巧克力(现在是咖啡或者wine,长大了嘛 哈哈哈)看着窗户冰花,一只手指头冰花上画着心形,想着过去的这一年和到来的那一年,还有不知道在哪里的心爱的她。哈哈哈。可能因为演奏歌曲,基本没有唱歌,歌词,更让人想象的机会多。这段时间我的世界里是很温暖和很美好的场面。所以每次到了冬天我找他的album听他的Sax声了。”他为大家推荐的歌曲是塑料巧克力的People love me not。“一听歌名可能会觉得是不是要说这世界太悲伤、痛苦、冷漠? 其实是对的。一开始这首歌的歌词就是并列了各种悲伤的单词。可是人本来就是这么贪心、很多欲望。可是虽然这样的我,如果有人愿意过来一个温暖的拥抱、一个爱心的拥抱我,我就变成一个暖心的孩子。这冷漠的世界里我们都期待摸一个人出现紧紧的拥抱我,让我们感觉到这世间还是有意义努力一起生活下去。这才是我们想要的温暖的世界。”

When I was young I would like to find works of a saxophonist in winter and listen to them till spring comes。 His name isKenny G, and his melodies bring me warmth, especially when it's Christmas listening to him enlivens the festive atmosphere。 You can hold a cup of hot chocolate (now it's coffee or wine, since I've grown up), appreciate the beautiful ice crystals on the windows, look back upon the past year and into the coming year, and think of the girl you once loved。 Maybe because it's mainly composition without lyrics, it gives me more possibility for imagination and I would think of many warm and beautiful scenes。

I would like to recommend"People Love Me Not"by our band as a nice choice for warm melodies。 Telling from its name, you might think the song is about the sadness, indifference and pains in the world, and as a matter of fact, you're right。 In the beginning, the song arrays many sad words in the lyric, however, human hearts would still chase for warmth and love despite frustrations。 I think that in this cold world, we all look forward to meeting someone that can hug us tightly and let us know it's worthwhile to live and fight together。 That's where the warmth of life comes from。


原文/翻译:Chloe Sun


