【传统文化】中国传统乐器二胡 Wuxi city in East China’s Jiangsu province is known as the “Home of the Erhu”, because it is the birthplace of many Erhu masters. Wandering around Wuxi, you can often hear the melodious sound of the erhu. 中国江苏省的无锡市被称为“中国二胡之乡”,因为许多二胡大师都是无锡人。走在无锡的街头巷尾,经常可以听到悠扬的二胡演奏声。 The erhu was originally called Huqin, a musical instrument of ethnic groups in northern China, which dates more than a thousand years back to the Tang Dynasty (618-907). In modern times, with the development of opera and operatic arts, the huqin was renamed the erhu and it gradually spread throughout China as a bowed string instrument. 二胡最初叫胡琴,是北方少数民族的乐器,诞生于一千多年前的中国唐朝。

到了近代,随着戏曲和曲艺的发展,胡琴改名叫二胡,作为弓弦乐器逐渐在全中国流传起来。 The erhu plays a leading role in many Chinese folk orchestras, just as the violin does in Western orchestras. The erhu and the violin also have similar structures, both composed of a body, a bridge, strings, and a separated bow. The performer usually holds the erhu vertically on the thigh, holding the neck with his left hand and pressing the strings with his fingers, while drawing the bow with his right hand. As the bow runs against the strings and vibrates them, beautiful music leaps out. 在许多民族乐团的表演中,二胡都担当着主导作用,就像小提琴在西方管弦乐团中的地位一样。

二胡的结构也与小提琴类似,它们都是由琴身、琴码、琴弦等组成,还有一把独立的弓。演奏时,二胡通常被垂直地放在腿上,演奏者左手扶着琴杆,手指按着琴弦,右手拉弓,随着弦和弓的摩擦,美妙的音乐便跃然而出。 Not limited by just two strings, a good player can give erhu amazing emotional expression and artistic appeal. It is capable of presenting both soft, lovely tunes, and grave, sorrowful music. Sometimes it gives a weeping human voice, and sometimes a magnificent horses-galloping sound. 二胡虽然只有两根弦,优秀的演奏家却能赋予它惊人的情感表现力和艺术感染力。它既能呈现轻柔欢快的曲调,也能演奏沉重悲伤的乐曲,有时很像人声,如泣如诉,有时又像万马奔腾,气吞山河。 Today, as an oriental folk instrument, erhu has sparked more inspirations with its collision with western musical instruments. In many international concerts, erhu can be seen playing on the same stage with various western instruments, such as piano, violin, and guitar. This interaction not only adds new possibilities for music creation, but also brings richer auditory enjoyment to the audience.
