关于”黄家驹介绍“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Introduction to Huang Jiaju。以下是关于黄家驹介绍的小升初英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Introduction to Huang Jiaju

Beyond doesn't have a level, because it's the I own of the CD Beyond incomplete, words can't describe beyond list: al chronology surpass is the best band in the world, not only because of their skills, but also because of their style. When I started at boarding school, I directly recorded a lot of Cantonese music on tape, many artists and many CDs recorded a strange song from every source if I liked it A song, I will record it, and then I decide to find out who is the artist. The names of these songs are consistent with my basic Cantonese learning.

I found that more than half of the songs I recorded were from the same band. I realized that they used more than one style. They could do rock, love songs and pop music.

Huang Jiaju is the most beautiful singer in the world. His voice is stable, rhythmic and emotional. Even in a foreign language I can't understand, the voice points to my heart.

He fell off the stage in June Miko died in a live game in Japan. Huang Jiaju is not like other bands, and Huang Jiaju is not like most people. In my memory of the band, their emotions and music, I often shed tears.

However, I find that the memory of new materials, new members and new skills beyond them is different - it is equally exciting, but more severe and heavy than ever before. Huang Jiaju's faithful brother, Jiaqiang, is working for Beyond the torch, but somehow, without Jiaju, beyond's modern al no longer aroused my tears.


Beyond没有级别,因为除了CD的I own incomplete之外,单词不能描述BeyondList列表:专辑年代学超越是世界上最好的乐队,不仅因为他们的技巧,而且因为他们的风格千差万别,当我开始在寄宿学校时,我直接把大量的粤语音乐录制到磁带上,许多艺术家和许多CD从每一个来源录制一首奇怪的歌如果我喜欢一首歌,我会把它录下来,然后我决定找出谁是艺术家,这些歌的名字与我学习基本的粤语是一致的。我发现我录制的歌中有一半以上是同一个乐队的,我意识到他们使用了不止一种风格,他们可以做摇滚,情歌和流行乐,黄家驹是世界上最美的歌手,他的声音是稳定的,有节奏的和情绪化的,即使在我听不懂的外语,这个声音直指我的心,他在xx月从舞台上摔下几米后在日本的一场现场游戏中去世了。黄家驹不像其他乐队,而黄家驹也不像大多数人一样,在对乐队、他们的情感和音乐的记忆中,我常常流下眼泪,而我发现超越他们的新材料,新成员和新技能的记忆是不同的-它同样令人兴奋,但比以往任何时候都更严酷和沉重,黄家驹的忠实兄弟,家强,正在为超越的火炬,但不知何故,没有了家驹,Beyond的现代专辑不再激起我的眼泪。


Huang Jiaju is a Hong Kong singer from June to June. He is a leading vocalist, rhythm guitarist and founding member of the Hong Kong rock band. He has composed more than several award-winning songs for more than 90% of the songs.

He also filmed a game on Fuji TV station in Tokyo. On June 1, Japan, Huang Jiaju's head first fell off the 3M platform and died of head injury three days later.




Beyond is a band from China. Hong Kong's famous rock band is also recognized as one of the greatest, most successful and influential bands in Chinese music. At the beginning of the establishment of the band, "beyond" in Chinese means "beyond".

The number of bands has reached five. Since Liu Zhiyuan left the band, he went to Huang Jiaju, Huang Jiaju Jiaqiang, Huang Baolu and ye Shirong Their works are mainly realistic, and they have created a large number of well-known classic original songs, enjoying a high reputation among the singers.


