

——萧宽志(Edward Shaw)

《Dialogue of the Heart与心对话》是旅美音乐家萧宽志(Edward Shaw)著作的8本心情音乐故事系列书之一,这8本音乐故事书与他创作的8张钢琴专辑完全同名。8张原创心情音乐CD,94首钢琴曲,每一首都是他即兴创作演奏,一气呵成。动听的旋律背后,蕴含着一个个动人心弦的真实心情故事。这些故事是萧宽志老师创作音乐的灵感源泉,记录下他人生成长的经历,也是他在患难中流过泪,忍了痛所结出的果实……








【The Stars Tonight】

I had surgery on my foot on June 11th,and completed my treatment on July 6th.

Everything in me started recovering and mylife began to go back to normal.

During the winter of 2007, I went to afriend’s house as a guest one night. Their estate had a large backyard with ahexagonal patio and a flower terrace. They had a barbeque that day, but I camelater in the evening when it was getting dark. I barely spoke to him before Istarted to eat.

All of his guests that day were friendsvisiting from China, and they were waiting to hear me play the piano。 A womanfrom the Feng-Huang province was a soprano and requested that I play atraditional song from China named “My Country and I”。 From that time onward, Istarted learning more traditional Chinese songs。 After a while of singing andplaying piano, I became mesmerized with the reflection of the moonlight in thepool and walked outside。 I looked up at the stars, and my heart fused with theheavens。

I felt so small and insignificant! Each star is many times larger thanthe Earth。 All that I saw deepened my respect for the Divine Creator。 When Ireturned inside, I started to improvise on the piano。 I kept playing andplaying, expressing the admiration in my heart。 The guests kept talking to me,but I secretly kept my attention and held onto the improvised melody I had justplayed。 I left the party and started up my car to begin driving。 After a bit, Ipulled off to the side and sat there, alone。 I remained for a good ten minutes,just looking up at the night sky。 The sight of the moon and stars affected themelody I had just played。

When I arrived at home, I immediately went toplay the piano. I felt that the modified melody sounded even better than theoriginal I played at my friend’s house.

I felt as if I was expressing the majesty ofnature.


萧宽志的原创油画作品,2010年12月25日绘于中国 南京

