rhapsody是什么意思 rhapsody的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

1. 词义:Rhapsody是指一种充满的音乐或音乐作品,通常表现出强烈的主题和情感。

2. 词性:名词。

3. 词组搭配:

- Rhapsody in Blue:由George Gershwin作曲的蓝色狂想曲

- Bohemian Rhapsody:由Queen乐队创作的一首摇滚歌曲。

- Rhapsody of fire:意大利交响金属乐队。

- Rhapsody in Heaven:一款音乐游戏。

- Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini:由Sergei Rachmaninoff作曲的钢琴独奏曲。

4. 短语:没有特定的短语。

5. 发音拼写:[‘r?ps?di]


1. He played the piano with a rhapsody, expressing all his emotions in the music. 他演奏钢琴时情感激荡,用音乐表达出所有的情感。

2. The new al released by the band is a rhapsody of their successful journey.乐队发布的新专辑是他们成功历程的颂歌。

3. The beautiful rhapsody in blue made everyone in the audience feel the music in a whole new way. 美丽的蓝色狂想曲让观众以一种全新的方式感受音乐。

4. A famous pianist will perform Rachmaninoff’s Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini in the concert tonight.一位著名的钢琴家将在今晚的音乐会上演奏拉赫玛尼诺夫的《以帕格尼尼主题的狂想曲》。

5. The Bohemian Rhapsody is considered to be a clic rock song with a unique style and composition.《波西米亚狂想曲》被认为是一首具有独特风格和构思的经典摇滚歌曲。



1. Bohemian Rhapsody is one of the most famous rock anthems of all time.(《波西米亚狂想曲》是有史以来最著名的摇滚歌曲之一。)

2. The pianist played a rhapsody that moved the audience to tears.(钢琴家演奏了一首狂想曲,让观众感动得流泪。)

3. The book is a rhapsody on the joys of travel.(这本书是一篇对旅行乐趣的狂想曲。)



例句:The Sonos can also play Internet music from paid services like Rhapsody, Napster and Sirius. (Sonos也可以播放像RhapsodyNapster和Sirius这些付费服务上的互联网音乐。)


例句:Martin paused from his rhapsody, only to break out afresh. (马丁暂停了他的狂欢颂,只是为了重新说下去。)


例句:Discusses Rhapsody the style and “a capriccio” correlation of the terminology. (探讨狂想曲的风格与“随想”术语之关连性。)


例句:Victory and justice. The Iberian rhapsody of a warrior’s loyalty to his sword. (翻译:胜利与正义,这两名战士在利用他那忠诚的剑创造狂诗!)

rhapsody一般作为名词使用,如在hungarian rhapsody([网络] 匈牙利狂想曲;李斯特;李斯特匈牙利狂想曲)、july rhapsody([电影]男人四十)、rhapsody in blue(蓝色狂想曲(钢琴曲名))等常见短语中出现较多。

hungarian rhapsody[网络] 匈牙利狂想曲;李斯特;李斯特匈牙利狂想曲july rhapsody[电影]男人四十rhapsody in blue蓝色狂想曲(钢琴曲名)1. Discusses Rhapsody the style and “a capriccio” correlation of the terminology. (翻译:探讨狂想曲的风格与“随想”术语之关连性。)

2. Victory and justice. The Iberian rhapsody of a warrior’s loyalty to his sword. (翻译:胜利与正义,这两名战士在利用他那忠诚的剑创造狂诗!)

3. The IBM Rational Rhapsody Gateway Add On is no longer offered as a separate product for new license purchase. (翻译:IBMRationalRhapsodyGatewayAddOn不再为新的许可证购买而作为单独的产品提供。)

4. Rhapsody, a streaming service begun in 2001, has 750,000 subscribers; eMusic, which sells downloads, has 400,000. (翻译:Rhapsody是一项始于xx年的串流服务,现有七十五万用于,销售下载音乐的eMusic拥有四十万用户。)

5. Save a model as a previous version of rhapsody. (翻译:将Rhapsody的以前版本保存为一个模型。)

6. Instead, I subscribe to a music service called Rhapsody that gives me all the tunes I want for $12. 99 a month. (翻译:而是通过每月12.99美元的费用从一个叫Phapsody的网站上订购音乐服务并从上面下载任何我想要的歌曲。)

7. Well, it’s always been my contention that The Hungarian Rhapsody… is not their national anthem. (翻译:我一直都认为匈牙利狂想曲 不是他们的国歌)

8. Just like a heavenly rhapsody (翻译:Just like a heavenly rhapsody)

9. Japanese version of the Rhapsody environment. (翻译:Rhapsody环境的日语版本。)

10. Like molten liquid your glance ravishes my body …into shrubs of my heart it spills and fills in rhapsody (翻译:∮ 眨眨眼睛 就是柔和的音乐 ∮ 你多睛的目光 溶化了我的灵魂 ∮ 进入我的内心 谱写出爱的乐章)

11. For a complete list of new features, check the Help section of the Rational Rhapsody Gateway release notes. (翻译:对于新特性的完整列表,您可以查看RationalRhapsodyGateway发布文本的Help部分。)

12. The Lips covered Queen’s “Bohemian Rhapsody,” duetted with female rapper Peaches and let two fans get engaged onstage. (翻译:乐队与饶舌女歌手桃子演唱了皇后乐队的“吉普赛狂想曲”,两位歌迷在歌声中订婚。)

13. Rhapsody On Wucheng is a highly praised famous piece among Bao Zhao’s works handed down to posterity. (翻译:《芜城赋》是鲍照传世作品中受人称颂的赋作名篇。)


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